No state minimum wage law.
Employers subject to the Fair Labor Standards Act must pay the current Federal minimum wage of $7.25 per hour.
Basic Minimum Rate (per hour): $11.73
Premium Pay After Designated Hours 1 : Daily - 8, Weekly - 40
Under a voluntary flexible work hour plan approved by the Alaska Department of Labor, a 10 hour day, 40 hour workweek may be instituted with premium pay after 10 hours a day.
The premium overtime pay requirement on either a daily or weekly basis is not applicable to employers of fewer than 4 employees.
The minimum wage is adjusted annually based on a set formula.
American Samoa
American Samoa has special minimum wage rates.
Basic Minimum Rate (per hour): $14.35
Applicable to employers with 4 or more employees
Basic Minimum Rate (per hour): $11.00
Premium Pay After Designated Hours 1 : Weekly - 40
Basic Minimum Rate (per hour): $16.00
Any work in excess of eight hours in one workday, in excess of 40 hours in one workweek, or in the first eight hours worked on the seventh day of work in any one workweek shall be at the rate of one and one-half times the regular rate of pay. Any work in excess of 12 hours in one day or in excess of eight hours on any seventh day of a workweek shall be paid no less than twice the regular rate of pay. California Labor Code section 510. Exceptions apply to an employee working pursuant to an alternative workweek adopted pursuant to applicable Labor Code sections and for time spent commuting. (See Labor Code section 510 for exceptions).
The minimum wage will be adjusted annually based upon a set formula.
Premium Pay After Designated Hours 1 : Daily - 8 (time and half), and 12 (double time), Weekly - 40; on 7th day: First 8 hours (time and half) Over 8 hours on 7th day (double time)
Basic Minimum Rate (per hour): $14.42
Premium Pay After Designated Hours 1 : Daily - 12, Weekly - 40
Minimum wage rate and overtime provisions applicable to retail and service, commercial support service, food and beverage, and health and medical industries.
Basic Minimum Rate (per hour): $15.69
Premium Pay After Designated Hours 1 : Weekly - 40
In restaurants and hotel restaurants, for the 7th consecutive day of work, premium pay is required at time and one half the minimum rate.
Basic Minimum Rate (per hour): $13.25
The State adopts the federal minimum wage rate by reference if the federal rate is greater than the State rate.
District of Columbia
Basic Minimum Rate (per hour): $17.00
Premium Pay After Designated Hours 1 : Weekly - 40
The minimum wage is adjusted annually on July 1 based on a set formula.
Basic Minimum Rate (per hour): $12.00
The minimum wage is adjusted annually based on a set formula. The Florida minimum wage is scheduled to increase by $1.00 every September 30th until reaching $15.00 on September 30, 2026.
Applicable to employers of 6 or more employees
Basic Minimum Rate (per hour): $5.15
The State law excludes from coverage any employment that is subject to the federal Fair Labor Standards Act when the federal rate is greater than the State rate.
Employers subject to the Fair Labor Standards Act must pay the current Federal minimum wage of $7.25 per hour.
Basic Minimum Rate (per hour): $9.25
Premium Pay After Designated Hours 1 : Weekly - 40
Basic Minimum Rate (per hour): $14.00
Premium Pay After Designated Hours 1 : Weekly - 40
An employee earning a guaranteed monthly compensation of $2,000 or more is exempt from the State minimum wage and overtime law.
Domestic service workers are subject to Hawaii's minimum wage and overtime requirements. Act 248, Regular Session 2013.
The State law excludes from coverage any employment that is subject to the federal Fair Labor Standards Act unless the State wage rate is higher than the federal rate.
Basic Minimum Rate (per hour): $7.25
Applicable to employers of 4 or more employees, excluding family members
Basic Minimum Rate (per hour): $14.00
Premium Pay After Designated Hours 1 : Weekly - 40
Applicable to employers of 2 or more employees
Basic Minimum Rate (per hour): $7.25
Premium Pay After Designated Hours 1 : Weekly - 40
Basic Minimum Rate (per hour): $7.25
The Iowa minimum wage equals the federal minimum wage rate if it is set below the federal rate.
Basic Minimum Rate (per hour): $7.25
The State law excludes from coverage any employment that is subject to the federal Fair Labor Standards Act.
Basic Minimum Rate (per hour): $7.25
Premium Pay After Designated Hours 1 : Weekly - 40, 7th day
The 7th day overtime law, which is separate from the minimum wage law, requires employers who permit covered employees to work seven days in any one workweek to pay the employee at a rate of time and one-half for hours worked on the seventh day when employees work all seven days of the workweek. The 7th day overtime law does not apply when the employee is not permitted to work over 40 hours total in the workweek.
The state adopts the federal minimum wage rate by reference if the federal rate is greater than the State rate.
Compensating time in lieu of overtime is allowed upon written request by an employee of any county, charter county, consolidated local government, or urban-county government, including an employee of a county-elected official.
No state minimum wage law.
Employers subject to the Fair Labor Standards Act must pay the current Federal minimum wage of $7.25 per hour.
Basic Minimum Rate (per hour): $14.15
Premium Pay After Designated Hours 1 : Weekly - 40
If the highest federal minimum wage is increased in excess of the State minimum wage in effect, then the State minimum wage will increase to the same amount, effective on the same date as the increase in the federal minimum wage.
The minimum wage is adjusted annually based on a set formula.
Basic Minimum Rate (per hour): $15.00
Premium Pay After Designated Hours 1 : Weekly - 40
Basic Minimum Rate (per hour): $15.00
Premium Pay After Designated Hours 1 : Weekly - 40
In no case shall the Massachusetts minimum wage rate be less than $0.50 higher than the effective federal minimum rate.
Applicable to employers of 2 or more employees
Basic Minimum Rate (per hour): $10.33
Premium Pay After Designated Hours 1 : Weekly - 40
The State law excludes from coverage any employment that is subject to the federal Fair Labor Standards Act unless the State wage rate is higher than the federal rate.
The minimum wage is adjusted annually based on a set formula.
Large employer (enterprise with annual revenues of $500,000 or more)
Basic Minimum Rate (per hour): $10.85
Premium Pay After Designated Hours 1 : Weekly - 48
Small employer (enterprise with annual revenues of less than $500,000)
Basic Minimum Rate (per hour): $8.85
Premium Pay After Designated Hours 1 : Weekly - 48
The minimum wage is adjusted annually based on a set formula.
No state minimum wage law.
Employers subject to the Fair Labor Standards Act must pay the current Federal minimum wage of $7.25 per hour.
Basic Minimum Rate (per hour): $12.30
Premium Pay After Designated Hours 2 : Weekly - 40
In addition to the exemption for federally covered employment, the law exempts, among others, employees of a retail or service business with gross annual sales or business done of less than $500,000.
Premium pay required after 52 hours in seasonal amusement or recreation businesses.
The minimum wage is adjusted annually based on a set formula.
Businesses with gross annual sales of more than $110,000
Basic Minimum Rate (per hour): $10.30
Premium Pay After Designated Hours 1 : Weekly - 40
Businesses not covered by the Fair Labor Standards Act with gross annual sales of $110,000 or less
Basic Minimum Rate (per hour): $4.00
Premium Pay After Designated Hours 1 : Weekly - 40
A business not covered by the federal Fair Labor Standards Act whose gross annual sales are $110,000 or less may pay $4.00 per hour. However, if an individual employee is producing or moving goods between states or otherwise covered by the federal Fair Labor Standards Act, that employee must be paid the greater of either the federal minimum wage or Montana's minimum wage.
The minimum wage is adjusted annually based on a set formula.
Applicable to employers of 4 or more employees
Basic Minimum Rate (per hour): $12.00
If qualifying health insurance is NOT offered by the employer:
Basic Minimum Rate (per hour): $11.25
If qualifying health insurance is offered by the employer:
Basic Minimum Rate (per hour): $10.25
The Nevada minimum wage is adjusted annually based on a set formula. Effective July 1, 2024, there will be a uniform minimum wage of $12.00 per hour for all employees.
New Hampshire
Basic Minimum Rate (per hour): $7.25
Premium Pay After Designated Hours 1 : Weekly - 40
The New Hampshire minimum wage equals the federal minimum wage when set below the federal rate.
New Jersey
Basic Minimum Rate (per hour): $15.13
Premium Pay After Designated Hours 1 : Weekly - 40
The minimum wage is adjusted annually based on a set formula.
There is a minimum wage of $13.73 per hour for seasonal and small employers who employ fewer than 6 people.
New Mexico
Basic Minimum Rate (per hour): $12.00
Premium Pay After Designated Hours 1 : Weekly - 40
New York
Basic Minimum Rate (per hour): $15.00; $16.00 (New York City, Nassau County, Suffolk County, & Westchester County)
Premium Pay After Designated Hours 1 : Weekly - 40
The New York minimum wage equals the federal minimum wage when set below the federal rate.
Under the new hospitality regulations, residential workers ("live-in workers") are now entitled to overtime for hours worked over 40 in a payroll week, instead of the prior 44 hour requirement. Therefore, overtime hours for all non-exempt workers are now any hours worked over 40 in a payroll week.
Employers operating a factory, mercantile establishment, hotel, restaurant, freight/passenger elevator, or theater; or a building employing security guards, janitors, superintendents, managers, engineers, or firemen must provide 24 hours of consecutive rest each week. Domestic workers are entitled to 24 hours of consecutive rest each week, and receive premium pay if they work during such period.
Employees receive 1 hour of pay at minimum wage rate in addition to owed wages when spread of hours exceeds 10 hours, there is a split shift, or both.
North Carolina
Basic Minimum Rate (per hour): $7.25
Premium Pay After Designated Hours 1 : Weekly - 40
Premium pay is required after 45 hours a week in seasonal amusements or recreational establishments.
North Dakota
Basic Minimum Rate (per hour): $7.25
Premium Pay After Designated Hours 1 : Weekly - 40
Northern Mariana Islands
Basic Minimum Rate (per hour): $7.25
Employers with annual gross receipts of $385,000 or more
Basic Minimum Rate (per hour): $10.45
Premium Pay After Designated Hours 1 : Weekly - 40
Employers with annual gross receipts under $385,000
Basic Minimum Rate (per hour): $7.25
Premium Pay After Designated Hours 1 : Weekly - 40
The minimum wage is adjusted annually based on a set formula
Employers with ten or more full time employees at any one location or employers with annual gross sales over $100,000 irrespective of number of full time employees.
Basic Minimum Rate (per hour): $7.25
All other employers
Basic Minimum Rate (per hour): $2.00
The Oklahoma state minimum wage law does not contain current dollar minimums. Instead the state adopts the federal minimum wage rate by reference.
The State law excludes from coverage any employment that is subject to the federal Fair Labor Standards Act.
Basic Minimum Rate (per hour): $14.20 (standard state rate); $15.45 (Portland Metro Area); $13.20 (Non-Urban counties)
Premium Pay After Designated Hours 1 : Weekly - 40
Premium pay required after 10 hours a day in nonfarm canneries, driers, or packing plants and in mills, factories or manufacturing establishments (excluding sawmills, planning mills, shingle mills, and logging camps).
The Oregon minimum wage is adjusted annually on July 1 based on a set formula. There is a higher minimum wage in the Portland metro area and a lower minimum wage in non-urban counties. See Minimum wage increase schedule.
Basic Minimum Rate (per hour): $7.25
Premium Pay After Designated Hours 1 : Weekly - 40
Puerto Rico
Applicable to all employees covered by the federal Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) except for agricultural employees and employees of municipalities and the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico.
Basic Minimum Rate (per hour): $9.50
The minimum wage will increase to $10.50 per hour on July 1, 2024, unless the Commonwealth issues a decree changing the amount.
Premium Pay After Designated Hours: Daily - 8, Weekly – 40, and on statutory rest day (time-and-a-half). Employees entitled to greater rights or benefits who were hired prior to January 26, 2017 shall maintain said rights or benefits.
Employers covered by the FLSA but who are not subject to the Puerto Rico Minimum Wage Act must pay at least the federal minimum wage of $7.25 per hour.
Rhode Island
Basic Minimum Rate (per hour): $14.00
Premium Pay After Designated Hours 1 : Weekly - 40
Time and one-half premium pay for work on Sundays and holidays in retail and certain other businesses is required under two laws that are separate from the minimum wage law.
South Carolina
No state minimum wage law.
Employers subject to the Fair Labor Standards Act must pay the current federal minimum wage of $7.25 per hour.
South Dakota
Basic Minimum Rate (per hour): $11.20
The minimum wage is adjusted annually based on a set formula.
No state minimum wage law.
Employers subject to the Fair Labor Standards Act must pay the current Federal minimum wage of $7.25 per hour.
Basic Minimum Rate (per hour): $7.25
The State law excludes from coverage any employment that is subject to the federal Fair Labor Standards Act.
The Texas State minimum wage law does not contain current dollar minimums. Instead the State adopts the federal minimum wage rate by reference.
Basic Minimum Rate (per hour): $7.25
The State law excludes from coverage any employment that is subject to the federal Fair Labor Standards Act.
Applicable to employers of two or more employees
Basic Minimum Rate (per hour): $13.67
Premium Pay After Designated Hours 1 : Weekly - 40
The Vermont minimum wage is automatically replaced with the federal minimum wage rate if it is higher than the State minimum.
Virgin Islands
Basic Minimum Rate (per hour): $10.50
Premium Pay After Designated Hours 1: Daily 8; Weekly – 40; Any hours worked on the 6th or 7th consecutive day of work.
Basic Minimum Rate (per hour): $12.00
Basic Minimum Rate (per hour): $16.28
Premium Pay After Designated Hours 1 : Weekly - 40
Premium pay not applicable to employees who request compensating time off in lieu of premium pay.
The minimum wage is adjusted annually based on a set formula.
West Virginia
Applicable to employers of 6 or more employees at one location
Basic Minimum Rate (per hour): $8.75
Premium Pay After Designated Hours 1 : Weekly - 40
Basic Minimum Rate (per hour): $7.25
Premium Pay After Designated Hours 1 : Weekly - 40
Basic Minimum Rate (per hour): $5.15
Employers subject to the Fair Labor Standards Act must pay the current Federal minimum wage of $7.25 per hour.
¿Cómo saber en que ciudad vivir en Estados Unidos?
Una de las primeras dudas que nos surgen cuando vamos a emigrar, es cómo escoger la ciudad donde viviremos. Nos basamos en el Salario? En las amistades o familiares que tengamos allí? Nos basamos en la Renta y el costo de vida?
Aqui te dejo la lista con las 10 ciudades en Estados Unidos que tienen mayor salario en el 2025: (Sin querer decir que son “las mejores ciudades”) porque cada persona vive un proceso diferente incluso en una misma ciudad.
Pero también aqui te dejo el listado con los salarios de todo Estados Unidos para el 2025: